Carla Ribeiro is Associate Professor Viral Immunity & Molecular Life Sciences at Amsterdam UMC, location AMC. She is Principal Investigator at the Department of Experimental Immunology and heads the Autophagy-directed Immunity (ADI) group. Her research group focuses on host-virus interactions, aiming to maximize the therapeutic potential of targeting autophagy mechanisms to intervene in HIV-1, Dengue virus and SARS-CoV-2 infections. She also ventures into development of advanced human mucosal models, including intestine and skin tissue infection models and gut organoid co-culture systems. Her group utilizes human organoid technology and patient cohort studies to define the impact of antiviral immune mechanisms and mucosal inflammation in clinical outcomes, and as rationale for drug development. Within GUTVIBRATIONS, Carla is the leader of Work Package 3 (DEFEND) and will be supervising postdoctoral researcher Athanasios Koulis. Here, we aim to build a next-generation gut-mucosal co-culture organoid model that recapitulates the in vivo intestinal physiology and intestinal immune responses.