Introducing our green policy
Our green policy focuses on finding sustainable alternatives in terms of mobility. With partners situated in different locations in Europe, we recognize our responsibility to help reduce our Carbon Footprint. After all, in an era where digital meetings are the standard, there are plenty of ways for our members to collaborate sustainably.
As part of our commitment to sustainability, we will be hosting only 1 physical consortium meeting per year and conduct other consortium-wide meetings via teleconference or online. Courses and training activities that do not require physical attendance will also take place digitally.
With our members spread all over Europe, virtual meetings and gatherings have been the standard for us. Currently, all of our Work Package meetings are conducted online and in November 2022, we virtually gathered in Gather Town (a video-calling space) for our first Periodic Review Meeting. Not only were partners able to create their own avatars, but they were also able to talk to each other and move from one discussion room to another.