Currently, there is no antiviral treatment or vaccine available for EV-D68. By understanding this virus, we will be able to develop a treatment to prevent the neurological disease caused by EV-D68. At OrganoVIR Labs, one of our PhD students Josse Depla and our Senior Scientist Adithya Sridhar investigated if a change in receptor usage of EV-D68 increases the virulence of EV-D68 in the airway or the central nervous system (CNS).
In their new publication, Josse described how he and Adithya used physiologically relevant human airway epithelium and cerebral organoid cultures and discovered that the change in receptor usage by EV-D68 did not increase infection of the airway or the CNS. In this paper, they suggested that studies using these models will be able to clarify how EV-D68 causes AFM.